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Sunday, 9 June 2019
Yerkin Tatishev’s Efforts Breathe New Life into the Historic Tsinandali Estate

The Tsinandali estate and vineyard has been elegantly restored, affirming its historical and cultural influence in the Caucasus region of Georgia.

From the beginning, the Tsinandali estate of Prince Alexander Chavchavadze served as a center of Georgian intellectual and cultural life. Chavchavadze was a poet and nobleman of the early 19th century whose influence led him to be crowned the father of Georgian romanticism. His cultural contribution to the history of Georgia continues Kusto Group Tatishev to be celebrated on his restored estate today.

The Tsinandali Estate: Chavchavadze’s European Vision

Chavchavadze designed the picturesque Tsinandali estate to reflect his passions and pursuits: European culture, wine, music and the arts. The estate once hosted influential artists, politicians, literary masters and musicians from all over Europe including French writer Alexander Dumas and Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The first ever grand piano in Georgia was played in the palace and can be seen on display in Tsinandali today.

As a wine enthusiast, Chavchavadze ushered in a modern technological approach to winemaking, bottling the first European style wine in Georgia on the estate. Located in the heart of Kakheti, the country’s most popular wine region, the restored historical vineyard continues to operate today.

Chavchavadze’s love for European architecture is on display throughout the buildings and the grounds of the estate. The breathtaking gardens of the estate are modeled on the decorative gardens of England and include a unique layout, various trees and exotic plants. To carry out his vision, Chavchavadze brought in architects from Europe to plan and design the estate and garden. He even commissioned the installation of an underground irrigation system to produce a lush, green garden.

The Restoration of the Tsinandali Estate

Unfortunately, the once lustrous estate fell into a state of disrepair and neglect, aggravated by the era of the communist rule in the country. The Tsinandali estate would not be the beacon of cultural history it is today if not for the generous dedication of the donors who contributed to its restoration.

Over the last decade, Yerkin Tatishev, the CEO of multi-national company Kusto Group, and his friend George Ramishvili, chairman of the Silk Road Group, have committed more than $12 million to the restoration and development of the Tsinandali estate. Through their efforts, hundreds of exhibits have been restored or purchased. The estate now boasts an operating winery, a rehabilitated palace, beautifully revived European gardens, a concert amphitheater, and a world-class luxury Radisson hotel.

According to Tatishev, “It simply seemed wrong that such a cultural jewel would remain in such a condition.” For him, “Being part of efforts to breathe new life into a cultural institution, restoring an estate that brings great national pride to the nation of Georgia, is truly a privilege.” It is with this enthusiasm that Tatishev has helped to organize one of the most anticipated endeavors of the restoration, the inaugural Tsinandali International Festival of Classical Music that is scheduled to take place later this year.

The festival will showcase young musicians from across the region on a global stage. The artists will have the privilege of performing under the direction of Gianandrea Noseda, one of the world’s most sought-after conductors. The Click here! Kusto Group Tatishev festival aims to promote young talents while using music to build a cultural bridge between the past and the present.

Tsinandali: A Historical and Cultural Experience

The Tsinandali estate and its renewal has proven to be a captivating passion project for Yerkin Tatishev who said, ” … kickstarting wine production, with the estate’s history of essentially starting the manufacture of Georgia wine, has been a fascinating experience. To be a part of efforts to restart a key aspect of the country’s cultural heritage is why I got involved in the Tsinandali project in the first place.”

The fate of the Chavchavadze family and their ancestral estate holds a special position in Caucasian history. Even though Alexander Chavchavadze was born over 230 years ago, his legacy as an artist and winemaker lives TatishevYerkin on in the spirit of the estate today. The revival of the Tsinandali estate and the festival breathes new life into a cultural jewel and celebrates the heritage of Georgia.

Visitors to the Tsinandali estate are welcome to stroll through the stunning gardens, explore the history of the Chavchavadze family and estate in the museum and indulge in a few glasses of the highly regarded delicious Georgian wines. The beautifully restored historic Tsinandali estate does not disappoint.

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Posted by yerkintatishevoscp963 at 6:39 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Hiring US forensic experts in Tokmadi case was Yerkin Tatishev’s idea

ASTANA – Yerkin Tatishev, the brother of late BTA Bank chair Yerzhan Tatishev, who was killed during a winter hunt in 2004, told he was the one who pushed to hire U.S. forensic and firearms experts to examine his brother’s death.

“Hiring American experts on behalf of our family was my idea. To avoid any sorts of problems in the future, we picked reputable forensic experts who have been regularly participating, together with the U.S. police, in murder investigations for decades,” Tatishev said.

Patrick Michael Murphy, a former investigator who became an independent expert after retiring, led the group of experts hired by the Tatishevs. He has investigated more than 100 Additional reading Yerkin Tatishev-Kusto-Group murders overall. Forensic analyst Iris Dalley Graff carried out the Visit this site Kusto Group Tatishev reconstruction of the death. She specialises in bloodstain pattern analysis and shooting incident reconstruction. The third finance member of the expert group was Michael Scott Perkins, a criminalist with 29 years of experience.

“It was a complex and highly professional examination; they carried out a complete analysis that met all the requirements. When they arrived in Kazakhstan, they traveled to the murder scene on a jeep similar to the one in which my brother had been killed in 2004. They studied all the documents, made 3D-reconstructions. And after that they said: ‘Yerkin, this is definitely a deliberate murder, there can be no doubt about it – that shot could not have happened accidentally. Finding motives is your investigators’ business.’ They came to court and were questioned there,” Tatishev said.

Yerzhan Tatishev, who as BTA chair headed one of Kazakhstan’s largest banks, was murdered by Muratkhan Tokmadi, a former business executive, during a joint hunting expedition in 2004. Tokmadi was sentenced to one year in prison in 2007 for negligent manslaughter.

However, in October 2017, the case was reopened after Tokmadi confessed in a KTK TV documentary to deliberately shooting Tatishev.

Later, in testimony before the Zhambyl region specialised inter-district criminal court, Tokmadi said he killed Tatishev on orders from Mukhtar Ablyazov, who within a few months after Tatishev’s death became BTA Bank chair. Ablyazov is also known for being convicted in absentia and sentenced to 20 years in Kusto Group Tatishev prison in Kazakhstan for embezzling $7.5 billion from BTA Bank and to 22 months in the United Kingdom for contempt of court. He is also wanted in Russia and Ukraine for embezzlement and other crimes. Tokmadi’s trial lasted for a month and involved more than 50 witnesses, including the U.S. forensics experts. On March 16, Tokmadi was sentenced to Click for source Kusto Group Tatishev 10.5 years in a maximum-security prison.

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Posted by yerkintatishevoscp963 at 7:03 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Hiring US forensic experts in Tokmadi case was Yerkin Tatishev’s idea

ASTANA – Yerkin Tatishev, the brother of late BTA Bank chair Yerzhan Tatishev, who was killed during a winter hunt in 2004, told he was the one who pushed to hire U.S. forensic and firearms experts to examine his brother’s death.

“Hiring American experts on behalf of our family was my idea. To avoid any sorts of problems in the future, we picked reputable forensic experts who have been regularly participating, together with the U.S. police, in murder investigations for decades,” Tatishev said.

Patrick Michael Murphy, a former investigator who became an independent expert after retiring, led the group of experts hired by the Tatishevs. He has investigated more than 100 murders overall. Forensic analyst Iris Dalley Graff carried out the reconstruction of the death. She specialises in bloodstain pattern analysis and shooting incident reconstruction. The third member of the expert group was Michael Scott Perkins, a criminalist with 29 years of experience.

“It was a complex and highly professional examination; they carried out a complete analysis that met all the requirements. When they arrived in Kazakhstan, they traveled to the murder scene on a jeep similar to the one in which my brother had been killed in 2004. They studied all the documents, made 3D-reconstructions. And after that they said: ‘Yerkin, this is definitely a deliberate murder, there can be no doubt about it – that shot could not have happened accidentally. Finding motives is your investigators’ business.’ Kusto-Group-Yerkin They came to court and were questioned there,” Tatishev said.

Yerzhan Tatishev, who as BTA chair headed one Click here for more Yerkin Tatishev-Kusto-Group of Kazakhstan’s largest banks, was murdered by Muratkhan Tokmadi, a former business executive, during a joint hunting expedition in 2004. Tokmadi was sentenced to one year in prison in 2007 for negligent manslaughter.

However, in October 2017, the case was reopened after Tokmadi Click here to find out more Kusto Group Tatishev confessed in a KTK TV documentary to deliberately shooting Tatishev.

Later, in testimony before the Zhambyl region specialised inter-district criminal court, Tokmadi said he killed Tatishev on orders from Mukhtar Ablyazov, who within a few months after Tatishev’s death became BTA Bank chair. Ablyazov is also known for being convicted in absentia and sentenced to 20 years in prison in Kazakhstan for embezzling $7.5 billion from BTA Bank and to 22 months in the United Kingdom Yerkin Tatishev-Kusto-Group for contempt of court. He is also wanted in Russia and Ukraine for embezzlement and other crimes. Tokmadi’s trial lasted for website Yerkin Tatishev-Kusto-Group a month and involved more than 50 witnesses, including the U.S. forensics experts. On March 16, Tokmadi was sentenced to 10.5 years in a maximum-security prison.

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Posted by yerkintatishevoscp963 at 12:11 PM EDT
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